The Gettysburg College swim team has addressed a disturbing incident involving one of their teammates, where a...
George Clooney and Brad Pitt reunite in *Wolfs*, a workplace comedy that blends charm with action-packed gunfights,...
**OGDEN, UTAH** — Erika Carr, a 30-year-old single mother from Ogden, Utah, has been given a heartbreaking...
Hurricane Helene is rapidly intensifying as it heads toward Florida’s Gulf Coast, expected to make landfall on...
**Hurricane Danger Looms for Florida and Gulf Coast: Watches Issued for Florida’s Coast** The U.S. Gulf Coast,...
Marcellus Williams, convicted of the 1998 murder of former reporter Lisha Gayle, is set to be executed...
Nicholas Alexander Chavez, known for his Emmy-winning role on *General Hospital*, is stepping into the spotlight once...
Dallas, TX – After serving three and a half years as the chief of the Dallas Police...
In the 2nd game of the series between Afghanistan (Afg) and South Africa (SA), the Afghanistan won...